Friday, November 28, 2014

A Vocation Within a Vocation: The Installation of Pastor Reverend Michael Rocha

A Vocation Within a Vocation:  
The Installation of Pastor Reverend Michael Rocha

          On the Solemnity of Christ the King, the parish of St. Paschal Baylon, in the Conejo Valley of Southern California, celebrated the Installation of their new pastor, Reverend Michael Rocha.  

This Sacred Mass Installation, under the direction of lead coordinator Confirmation/Youth Ministry Director Robert Batch, reflected the traditional church celebration.  

This celebration for the Installation of Reverend Rocha, included a full procession with the Knights of Columbus, choir with trumpet players, homily, sacramental gifts, the Installation Mass and more.  

The Very Revered Michael Jennett, who is the Regional Vicar for the Santa Barbara Pastoral Region, represented Archbishop Jose Gomez and con-celebrated the mass with the parish priests and deacons.  

During the Installation, key parishioners of  various ministries, along with the assistance of Robert Batch, each presented a sacramental gift to the new pastor, in the form of sacred oils, a liturgy book and blessed chalice.  

The liturgy and homily of this sacred event was enhanced with it being graciously presented in both Spanish and English.

          As the Installation of a priest to a new parish is a vocation within a vocation, as a priest, it is a reflection of their continued service at the “foot of the cross” to serve as Jesus would have served.   

The Installation of a priest as a new pastor, is a wonderful sacred event for that parish community to solidify their commitment to their new pastor and for that pastor to solidify his commitment to his new parish community.  

It is also a time where all gather to ask for blessings for their new pastor and for the blessings to be upon the community in which he serves. 

          With any Installation event with the mass and “Presentation of Faith and Oath”, it is also a time of prayerful praise.  In this time of prayerful praise, the cantor from Reverend Michael’s former parish, a Mr. Ennio Morricone, presented his song of “Gabriel’s Oboe”.  Mr. Morricone’s perfect gift of sacred song, as well as many gathered from Reverend Michael’s former parish,  seemed symbolic of the passing of the torch from one parish to another in a sign of unity and grace. 

          The Installation event concluded with the song, “Hail Redeemer, King Divine”.  All gathered for this event were then invited to a reception in the hall for light refreshments, faith and fellowship.  The reflection of this day of celebration was complete in the words of Reverend Michael Rocha as follows:

          “I give thanks to almighty God for all those who shared their gifts and talents during this special Installation Mass.  I also give thanks to all of you who have joined me on this momentous occasion.  Thank you Saint Paschal Baylon Community for  your warm welcome to this great parish.  Finally, a special word of gratitude to many family members and friends who have traveled from far and near, to join me on this day.  God bless you all."